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I Don't Know

In this photographic series I explore my own curiosities that I have about the world. I've been told by many that I ask a lot of questions (have definitely asked one too many questions to certain individuals that has rubbed them the wrong way). My curiosity isn't always received that well and I often find myself having to keep certain questions to my self. In this series I thought I'd bring light to the things I find interesting and present to a viewer so they too can become curious of the things I see in my day to day life.

For the last however many months I have carried a little notebook everywhere I go, writing down all my thoughts and questions. I also carry either my point and shoot film camera or simply just using my phone's camera to document what I'm curious about. Some photos don't necessarily link to the questions I'm asking but at the time of my surroundings many thoughts and questions were provoked some more personal than others.


This photographic series is all digital and is meant to be slightly interactive. In order to enjoy the full experience, please only view this on a desktop/laptop. Use your mouse to hover over the pictures to either reveal the questions or hide them. 

I hope this series will make you more curious about your surroundings and your thought patterns!

why such shiny shoes?


i wonder when he finally reached the courage to wear a fedora out in public?

who came up with nos?Like who thought i'm going to put this gas into a balloon and inhale it?

Why Balloons?

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Did Banksy go to uni?


why does not being heard make my stomach sink and feel like an empty pit?

what is the source of my anxiety?

What song is he singing?

Did you get a lot of food stuck in your braces?


what are you creating?



How long does it take for a sprained ankle to heal?

how hard is it to be an author?

Do they have a toilet in the van, if no what happens if you need a shit and none of your friends are answering you and the gym is closed? Do you shit in a bucket? A Bag?


Why do we feel so much?

Do people not find it bizarre that depending on what the balance of your brain chemicals are, can dictate whether you are depressed or not?


What is stronger, gorilla glue or super glue?

What causes the feeling of being lonely? Is it mainly due to location or the people you surround yourself with?

I wonder what percentage of people can say they are genuinely happy with their career choice or job?


How are people so incompetent  and stupid??

what are the chemicals in modern day cigarettes that make tobacco addictive?


How does one successfully network?


Is it better to be a coach driver or bus driver?


What does that button do? should I press it?

What causes someone to be bow legged?

Why am I so angry with them?


Why am I so drawn to colourful lights?

What happens to the brain when we say positive affirmations?

does the brain become rewired?


How does one not end up working in Tesco their whole life?

Did Stephen Gill have a job while doing all of these photo series?

Has he ever had a job in hospitality?

Are they friends or just colleagues?

How many cigarettes do you have to smoke to be considered a chain smoker?

what are the chemicals in modern day cigarettes that make tobacco addictive?


why do I always seem to overbite my index finger nails but not my other nails?

What are they talking about?



Why do some people twitch in their sleep?

What is the key element to successfully manipulate an individual?

what are these traits?

How do we prevent this from happening again??

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What's her name? She looks like a Maggie

I wonder why he asked to sit next to her?

What is Bridgewater most known for?


why is eating dinner together a thing?

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How does reflection work?

How does water reflect?

Why are there so many different cold variants?


should vandalism still be illegal when its passing on wisdom and advice?


How can some people believe in nothing?





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Is this philosophical ?

Was the disco ball originally made as an art piece or was its intention always to be used in dance venues?


Why put a christmas tree here?!


What happens to the brain when lights are flashing?


Is it something I will live with for my whole life, or is it something I learn to cope with over time?


Can you develop c41 black and white film in developer or do you have to use the c41 machine?


Do people not feel bad or guilty for littering?

Where is the fire?


What is it like being a female in a predominantly male industry?

In order to win at gambling, do you have to be strategic or just lucky?

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Why is it hard to take your own advice?


why wouldn't someone believe in manifestation ?

What is the average time someone spends on their phone?

why are people hesitant about astrology?


who was the best person he has had the chance to meet from working this job?

Why aren't eggs vegan? isn't it a by- product, like bees and honey?


What's been the most challenging thing being a female DJ?

Did anyone else cry whilst watching the documentary Fantastic Fungi?

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What is that barrier?

How did the middle finger become an offensive hand gesture to do?


Buddy as in weed?

Or were they actually called buddy?

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